North London's Raw Power Festival, presented by Baba Yaga's Hut, is swiftly coming around again in August 2022 and for the third year running I've been working on all the promotional material. It's a great festival and always has an exciting lineup of music so there's no shortage of aural inspiration for me to draw on.
The design process started late last year (see dev work at bottom) with the aim to have the logotype work well standalone or as a window onto the art. I was keen to have a versatile method of presentation so that the illustration could breathe full-frame when there were less bands announced on the early posters then be stashed inside the logo to make space for the full band lineup later on.
I created the abstract sc-fi pyramidal landscape with 2d and 3d elements originally then fully 3d for the animated promo which came at the end of the process. It was all put together in Photoshop, After Effects and Cinema 4d to the beat of the stonking 'Reducer' by Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs and great fun to work on as always. See this and previous Raw Power work on the main site here.